Friday, July 30, 2004

Replies to your questions PART II 

I'm back from Lebanon and here is the second batch of answers to your collective questions:

11.     In terms of world politics, you can find plenty of international conflicts where the United States is accused of partisanship for or against one side; try Taiwan and China, or North Korea and South Korea.  Yet none of those locations have sent terrorists across the ocean to fly planes into American buildings.  You can find people anywhere who are angry or annoyed at American meddling into their affairs, but only in the Middle East do you find large groups that are actually up in arms about it.  There must be some reason, intellectuals say, why we cannot negotiate a position of mutual benefit with the Arab world, when we have been able to achieve our own aims elsewhere in the world without inciting hatred and anti-Americanism. 


You see that is exactly the point, you only want to establish your aims on and in our countries, but it never even occurs to you that the other party would like also to establish their aims in your country and you do not want to give them that privilege. That is not mutual benefit that is exploitation.The Taiwanese are not against you because you help them and also because they need all those investments, they have no oil remember. While China is serene that you will not really threaten it when push comes to shove because you need it as a future giant market and also because they have the nuclear deterrent. North Korea is a Nuclear country, see how the US has been placating it even though it is the country which really has those fabled WMD. South Korea is an American ally. Other peoples in whose countries you have meddled are getting even by sending drugs galore; that is a more painful, expensive slow and subtler death then those spectacular skyscrapers. I think killing is a crime in whatever way it was done, and that Bush should have grabbed the opportunity granted him by the Taliban to have OBL. He would have avenged the deaths by putting OBL in court and giving him the death sentence and he would have saved thousands of lives in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia without unleashing the ‘terrorism’ genie from the bottle and without going to war. I still think that the oil, a strategic position in the heart of the world, moving the historic fight from the American shores combined with a personal vendetta are the real goals. I hope to be proved wrong by history. 

12.      …Or, put another way, how to join the modern world of liberal democracy and scientific and economic achievement without losing the moral basis in Islam. As for the political grievances you have, what do you want to do if we happen to have political grievances of our own, which are in direct contradiction to yours?   

Paul, Islam does not prevent you from modernizing or achieving, on the contrary it always asks you to strive towards learning and improving and inventing and seeking knowledge. Re. political grievances, you win for the time being because you have the strongest weapons, but a time will come when the proverbial worm will turn, then we may come to a compromise and the scores would be settled.  

13.      Have you personally been assaulted by Americans or do you base your opinion on the experience of other abused Muslims? Are you just as outraged over the genocide occurring in the Sudan against black African Christians and animists in the southern part of the country? 

  • Yes I along with the residents of Benghazi and Tripoli have been assaulted by a whole fleet of Americans; remember the air raid in 1986? Who carried that? was it not US servicemen under the leadership of the late President  Ronald Reagan or were they hired contractors?
  • Thanks for bringing up the outrageous genocide in Darfur which is practiced by Arab Sudanese, let me inform you that Libya has been negotiating to stop this bloodshed for years, and that it has recently even pledged to send aid to that area and help the Americans with a passage from Libya. 

14.My question for you is how did Gadhafi become your leader and if you had a choice would you choose him or someone else to continue to lead? 

Brian, he became a leader, in 1969 when he carried out a bloodless revolutionary coup against the Western appointed King Idriss. I would still choose him  because I do not want my homeland to fall into anarchy and chaos. I prefer one of my own than a foreign power or a Chalabi style guy. Also Libya is too close to Europe and we are aware of what is going on in the world around us. Libyans have had an extensive chance to apply politics in person so they will know what to do at the right time. One more thing is that we are only 5 million composed of about 600 000 families and 600 names, we all can trace our ancestors to at least the pre-Islamic era, all of us, Blacks, Berbers, Arabs, we are all Libyans and proud of it and we all know each other.

 15 . also do you know of any other Libyan bloggers so far?
Well, mitchtemporarily , so far I’m still the only Libyan blogger, but many Libyans have webpages and websites which are quite interesting and informative. If you are interested I can send you the links.

  Please watch out this space for upcoming replies about your questions on Libyan system of government and  Italian occupation !


AK said...


this site might be helpful for your next post

also a little offtopic but you might find it interesting I tried it on my blog

hope you enjoyed your trip to lebannon, I only got back from the US 5 days ago and had a little trouble with time difference.


Highlander said...

Welcome back AK hope you had a good time...thanks for the link you will find I have on the sidebar but only his Libyan cuisine part...I also liked the quiz -hilarious :)

Jimmy , no I'm not tired of you , you are welcome can we learn and grow unless we go ahead be my guest ...:)

smokey spice said...

Salamat Highlander. Guess what? I am another Libyan blogger! I have a few answers to some of the questions asked of you, but I think I should introduce myself first.
My blog is pretty new, so I'm not going to invite anyone over quite yet, but I do promise to have an interesting perspective (as Libyans often do) soon.