Aliens and alien abduction stories are a recurring fad; witness the latest Star Wars series and Dr. Who. However, this is not the stuff of Hollywood or books, there are ordinary people out there like you and me who claim they have been 'abducted' or have met aliens or ETs.
I'm not ready to dismiss them all toghether because I'm thinking that it would be boring if there was only us out there. Moreover, the Qur'an decribes God as 'Lord of the worlds ' not Lord of the world so I'm open minded to the theory that perhaps there are other worlds out there..... or maybe the 'worlds' are the different
dimensions of zoology, virology, bacteriology,and all the other '..logy'.
Usually people who have had this experience are denigrated and asked to put tinfoil caps on etc..
Yet one professor saw their need and reached out to them and did a study about that.
John Mack "
turned the academic community upside down because he wanted to publish his research in which he said that people who claimed they had been abducted by aliens, were not crazy at all. Their experiences, he said, were genuine. " Please see the rest of the BBC article
here. He died last year .
The world 'alien' is also used to depict a foreigner in the USA, I was surprised at this word when I first saw the ID ( or residence or driving licence I think) of a French friend of mine which said ALIEN... :) I felt it relegated foreigners to the status of that beast Sigourney Weaver was fighting. But that is an offside note
So has anyone of you had any 'close encounter' of the strange kind and if so do you want to share it with us here ? What about the others what's your take on that ? I'm really curious as this has always been a fascinating topic for me .
...and NO I'm not an alien!