Saturday, February 25, 2006

Itoot - thank you it's an honour

I'm pleased to be on 'Toot' especially that it came as a surprise to me when they sent an email a couple of weeks ago . Thank you guys.

To be honest I did not know how that works but Sandmonkey has a good explanation ;) which I'm borrowing - me so lazy :

"It's a website that acts as an aggregator and a presenter of some of the best that the arabian blogsphere has to offer (their words, not mine)." . his words ...

So this is great news for me :)


AK said...

congradulations highlander, have fun being famous celebrity,

I remember the days when you were still a anonymous blogger, seems so long ago now

Anonymous said...

Thank you AlanK, actually I shy away from celebrity ( coz it only brings trouble) but Itoot is really a nice place to be and I'm really proud they like my blog ...actually it's the readers that count not being famous :) the people whom you touch and come back to read you again... I kind of feel you establish a relationship with them .Don't you think so ?

Roba said...

Highlander, we are glad to have you as a part of the toot community.

Highlander said...

Thanks Roba :) oh my God you are actually commenting here ...