Sunday, August 13, 2006

Update on the Libyans stuck in Lebanon

We already knew that Safia's kids made it to Amman- Jordan .

Hanu's children are now refugees in Qatar- but at least they are safe.

Anglo-Libyan's family is apparently still safe too. Also check his post and photos about the peace rally in London.

A.Adam had an email from his mum if we recall , but I'm worried about him as he has not blogged since the 4th of August.


Anglo-Libyan said...

thank you highlander for your update and link, have a lovely day.

Highlander said...

you're welcome AngloLibyan, I really care about the blogospheres and my Libyan family in it !

KhadijaTeri said...

I haven't heard from A.Adam either, nor have I seen him on messenger.... hmmmm...

Akram said...

Highlander, thank you alot and that's not strange from you , you were always asking and care about Libyan family.
I am back home now and I'll update flyingbirds soon becasue I am still suffer from backache think it's good to go to any Shikh and make "Hajima" rather to see a doctor. ah All my family are fine and safe Elhamdouellaha.

Highlander said...

Salamtak Ya A.Adam I am so glad to here that all is well and you are back - I was SO WORRIED.